BREAD is our modern take on Lectio Divina: an ancient approach of prayerfully engaging with the scriptures in order to hear God’s personal word to you. Rather than racing through the text each day, we encourage you to be present to the Spirit in each movement of BREAD. We seek not simply information or even motivation but communion and union with God.

Our Church is stepping deeper into regular Scripture reading together as we read and reflect on each week's lectionary passages. This journal and monthly insert serves two purposes. First, it guides us to prepare our hearts and minds as we encounter God each day. Second, it informs our time in the Scriptures together in House Church each week.

We have chosen to build our weekly readings around the lectionary passages that serve as an undergirding structure for House Church each week. The lectionary is an ancient way of guiding us into and through the Scriptures on a three-year cycle. It commonly includes an Old Testament passage, a Psalm, a reading from the Gospels, and an excerpt from an epistle in the New Testament. With how we have chosen to use the lectionary structure, it includes 3-4 passages to read each week, not one for each day as most Bible plans do. Our encouragement is not to consume, but to move into these passages. Many people who utilize the lectionary remain on a singular passage for multiple days, if not the entire week. So even though the reading is not structured for a passage a day, the lectionary and this BREAD journal can be used daily.

May we become, as the Psalmist says, like a tree planted by streams of living water, sustained by the presence of God, providing shade for a weary city, and producing fruit that speaks of a better story.


Breathe: Find a place where you can encounter God. Be still. Ask him to fill the space, and then take a minute in silence. Focus on slowing your breathing down and calming your mind. Fix your eyes on Jesus and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your time.

Read: Read through the passage for the day. Read through the passage again, slowly. Look for one verse that stands out, grabs your attention, or interests you. Write out that verse in the “Read” section.

Encounter: Taking your chosen verse, begin to meditate on it. What comes to mind, and how does it make you feel? What do you think God is trying to reveal through this verse? Allow him to speak to your heart and mind. Write a short reflection on what you think God might be saying. 

Apply: Now, turn your focus outwards. Think about how you might be able to apply this to your day. Write down the one thing you’re going to try and live out.

Devote: Finally, close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God. Ask God to fill you afresh and commit your day to him.

*If you don’t have a BREAD journal you can get one from your House Church leader, or at the All Gathering on the first Sunday of the month!